When Should I replace My Car Floor Mats
16th Sep 2020
Cars aren’t an impulse buy or something you purchase for the short term. Cars are huge investments, and part of maintaining your investment means taking care of it – even the smaller details like floor mats. Floor mats are surprisingly important; they protect the carpet lining of your vehicle, they give your feet grip during rain or snow, and they help complete the look of your vehicle’s interior. But floor mats, like almost everything else on your vehicle, need to be replaced sometimes. Universal floor mats work well but can often move more than a custom made mat ,with movement comes wear and tear so you’ll have to replace them more often than custom fitted mats, but replacement floor mats are simply a fact of life either way. How often should you replace your car mats? Read on to find out five tell-tale signs that it’s time to install replacement car mats.
1. Bunching
The second your floor mats start lifting or bunching, it’s time to replace them. Not only is it frustrating, but it can be incredibly dangerous on the driver’s side because it can potentially block the brake or accelerator from fully pressing down. If the floor mat is bunching, it probably doesn’t fit your interior correctly or it’s too old to hold its structure. Replacement floor mats will give you peace of mind when you drive; it’s just like getting your oil changed.
2. Slipping
If your floor mats are moving around easily and slipping, it’s time to replace them – with better options. Floor mats that are too small for their space are pretty much useless to you. They don’t protect the carpet, they look sloppy, and they can cause you to lose grip when you’re getting in and out of the vehicle. Give your vehicle the interior it deserves with replacement floor mats that are designed to fit snugly on your car’s floors.
3. Ripping
If there’s a hole in your floor mat, it’s time to get rid of it – no matter how tiny the hole. Part of the reason for using floor mats is to protect the carpet underneath from dirt and liquid, because it sure isn’t easy to replace. If your floor mats are letting water and grime seep through, they’re not doing their job, and they’re potentially damaging your investment in your vehicle (even if you’re not planning on reselling it). Even a small amount of liquid will stay trapped underneath the mat, causing it to mould and smell. Replacement car mats will protect your vehicle’s interior so that you can enjoy your car for years to come.
4. Selling
If you’re getting ready to sell your vehicle, replacement car mats will go a long way to securing a buyer. Accessories are the number one way to make your car look and feel new again, and the fresher and cleaner your vehicle looks, the more attractive it will be to buyers. Do yourself a favour and invest in a fresh set of floor mats prior to selling, to ensure the future owner sees your vehicle’s true potential.
5. Smelling
Finally, there’s the matter of smell. If there’s an odour emanating from somewhere in your vehicle, chances are it’s your floor mats. They bear the brunt of everything you step in daily, from mud to garbage (or worse), so it makes sense that a little shake and pat doesn’t quite make them like new again. Replacement car mats will go a long way towards giving your vehicle that “new car smell” again, without actually having to buy a new car.